In Khemet (ancient Egypt) the Neteru were not merely deities to be worshipped but also embodiments of intelligence and archetypal energies or cosmic principles of creation which live inside and outside of us like a external reflection of our internal world. Their understanding about anatomy of the spirit was very important so they constructed the temples dedicated to deities and were used for healing, rituals and for connecting with the gods. Egyptian society was based on alchemy (Al-Khm-the black art, the understanding of the relationship between consciousness and matter), magic, science, study of creation and wisdom of the body.
They were masters of manifestations and they knew the power of sexual energy. Khemetians didn't view sex as some pleasurable thing, but a way man can bring the soul to the Earth. Priests and priestesses led the rituals and they were considered as the intermediaries between god and man. The temples were constructed in a specific order along the Nile river. Nile symbolize our spine and 7 main temples symbolize 7 main energetic centers.
Divine Feminine Temples
The Temple of Isis - Auset (second energy center - Tekh, element of water) is dedicated to the mother goddess of Love, divine law Maat, creation, fertility and sacred sexuality. The Temple is located in the south Egypt in Lake Nasser and is surrounded by water to remind us that creation arose from bodily fluids sperm and blood in a woman's womb and the primeval waters.
Everything is recorded in the memory of water and is linked to our DNA, ancestral lines and emotions. Power of Isis was associated with the flooding of the Nile river, which ensured the fertility of the land in the year to come.
Fertility rituals, menstrual blood rituals, offering the body and blood sacrifices were practiced for connecting with the consciousness of the creation. When we are working with Isis we work with feelings, ingrained beliefs that we have accumulated throughout or lives. However, it is important to follow law of polarity and work also with its counterpart the male principle Osirus to reconnect our power within us. The Egyptian tantric path is about reconnecting our masculine and feminine energy as a whole. This is how a sacred union and reconnection with the source, our heart can occur.
The Temple of Hathor - Hethert (forth energy center - Kheper, element of air) was dedicated to the art, beauty, music, dance, joy and sacred sexuality. The oldest Zodiac in the world there was found. The main purpose of the temple was to align with the heart of the Mother Goddess and understand our true nature.
For thousands of years the magical power of transformation, birth and death was considered a cyclical feminine principle. Their ultimate symbol was the female womb, that is the portal for the soul and connects the spiritual with the physical dimension. The male principle of Hathor is Horus, she is sometimes depicted as the Eye of Ra or with a cow's head or as a woman with the sun disc of Venus above her head. She is often associated with the night sky and the Milky way.
Hathor was mainly worshiped by pharaohs and rulers because they believed that she would bring them fertility and abundance.
When we work with Hathor we are working directly with the subconscious mind, dark energy, our shadows and the moon.
Everyone has the natural power that is hidden in our subconsciousness.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy constitute 95% of the total mass - energy content in the Universe and 95% of our daily actions are controlled by our subconscious mind.